Tuesday 20 May 2014

101 Things to do in Special Education and Inclusion

As we prepare for half term, my work load has rocketed with annual reviews for children on the horizon, six monthly appraisal reviews for all my support staff to be finished and signed, meeting with Ed Psych to discuss some of the children on my register, transition meetings for Year 6 pupils with special needs, Looked After Children's personal education plans prepared and meetings with social workers, family support cases and Early Help assessments, parent meetings to discuss behaviour issues (my school day goes from 8-6 without a break!!) children on managed moves consultations, new support timetables to be finalised for next half term and all of the other ad hoc meetings that crop up each day to discuss wobbles in families and children!!  And of course throughout this continue the planning of lessons, creating and making new resources and discussions and feedback on lessons delivered.

I am also throwing myself whole heartedly into reading the 7 year blog I recently mentioned of a special needs teacher http://specialedandme.wordpress.com/and gaining valuable links to other teaching and resource sites.  Leila the blog's author has already said she would love me to spread the word and so I would like to mention a couple here:

Guys Read http://www.guysread.com/ this is specifically geared to boys to get them interested in reading.  At the moment, I am battling to maintain boys interest in their learning when they begin to struggle.  To ensure that progress does not grind to a halt and they turn off from putting in the effort  I am hoping to encourage and stimulate their interests through putting into practice some of the suggestions mentioned on this site.

this I think will turn out to be a fabulous resource for CPD (Continuing Professional Development) at my school.  With the importance and focus on teachers to understand and support all students within their classroom this site offers modules on a whole range of special needs problems that teachers can delve into to top up their knowledge and the most wonderful thing is it is all for free - how super is that? I am sure I will be blogging at a later date about things I discover on this site and what differences they make in my students' learning.

Although there are the 101 things to do, I always find I feel re-energised when I read about new ways to engage or tackle learning difficulties and the thought of trying out new ideas in the classroom or small group support fills me with new hope.  Let me know what recharges your batteries or of any new ideas you are currently trying out in your field of work?  I'm always open to new suggestions in the field of education so let me know any blogs or resources you are currently finding helpful.


  1. Good grief, what a list! No wonder teachers are totally wrecked by the time the summer holidays come around. You're making me feel like I'm whinging at all that needs to be done here lol
    I"m finding that discipling myself to sit down and do something creative that needs doing, rather than striking stuff off my list, makes me feel more focussed and clears my head enough to get a good night's rest .... It's weird, everyone's writing about being busy at the minute and it was to be my next post too, but I'm finding that realising other people are as bogged down in stuff, actually takes some of the pressure off and the blog may wait.

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    2. You are certainly right about needing to have a clear head before going to bed else I find my niggles return in the middle of the night to add insomnia to my woes!! I am also looking forward to having some time to do some creative sewing over the half term break and being able to just enjoy the moment.
