Sunday 28 September 2014


If you scroll down to the bottom of my blog page you should now be able to see a bookcase with pictures of the books I have succeeded in reading so far on my 100 Books Challenge!!  I found Shelfari on another blog I happened to read earlier today and so joined up using my Amazon account.  It really was easy to do and to insert it on my blog - if I can do it then anyone else can - so I thought I would share this info just in case anyone else is interested.

If you want to know more about my 100 Books Challenge then click on the button below.

My amazing maths skills tell me if I succeed in reading 5 books a month then I will only have amassed 60 books during the year so would have to read an extra 40 during school holidays - this just isn't going to happen folks - so I might be posting some of my school books and younger children's books too to accomplish my goal - remember the challenge is only to give yourself permission to read more there are no hard and fast rules :-)

It would be lovely to have you sign up and share so see my 100 Books Challenge page!

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